Construction and mechanical features
Head Motion Gandong shaking tables are furnished with a totally enclosed self-oiling head motion of heavy cast iron to contain an oil reservoir for perfect splash lubrication.This feature protects the moving parts, reducing operating and maintenance costs to a minimum.
Decks The decks are constructed of steel framework and covered 16mm fibreglass with corundum, this cover its strength reaches as high as 70% of steel, the features of this design are stronger, wear-resistant,
corrosion-resistant, and no distortion, it lengthens the working-life of machine and thus allows machine perform perfectly on different mineral and different weather condition.
Support types Traditionary type, groove steel support or big channel steel support are
Feed and Water Box A wooden feed distributing box with hopper and a long water
box are attached to the iron of the deck, giving a very even distribution of feed and water.
Technical Specification The Gandong Shaking Tables have three distinct deck designs available.
The course ore deck is designed for recovering particles size from 0.5 mm to 2 mm; the fine sand deck is designed for recovering fine particles in the range of 0.074
mm to 0.5 mm; the slime deck is designed for
recovering super extremely fine particles in the range of 0.05 mm to 0.074 mm.